Workshops and Events

We’re cooking up some wonderful workshops for 2025. You’ll find a preview of offerings below and details coming soon!

Breath and Spine

The way we breathe in Viniyoga has energetic and structural effects. Learn to work with prāṇa and uncover the capacities of your spine in this series on āsana. Each 2-hour class will focus on one of the classifications of spinal action: purvatāna, paścimatāna, parśva and parivṛtti āsana

Yoga Sūtras

Patañjali’s Yoga Sūtras describe the human condition - the challenges and gifts that are inherent in being in a body and how to achieve the exceptional state of yoga more consistently in our life. We are looking forward to offering a variety of workshops on the sūtras with a special focus each time.

Yoga Therapy Topics

Indian thought lays out some exquisite models of the human system and they inform the work we do in yoga therapy. This workshop series introduces the pañca maya, prāṇa vāyu, langhana & bṛhmana, cikitsa - rakṣana - śikṣana and examines ways they can enhance our practice, teaching and life.

Yoga Studies enrich your practice and your life.